This is a little place where I get to share with the world some of the extremeley interesting thoughts in my head! Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Peace with You

Peace with you is the name of the Ten Shekel Shirt song i'm listening to at the moment! It's a nice quiet calming song, tis good.

Don't you just love grandparents?! my mum's parents died before i was born, and my dad's dad died 10 years ago, so i've just got my grandma (my dad's mum)! So yesterday i decided to go in and pay her a visit, say hello, see how she was getting on, ok so i forgot my house key and wanted to borrow hers, but was more than happy to sit and chat awhile over a cup of tea! but then it got onto the concerns that only grandparents can have for their grandchildren, 'you should really eat something more substantial for breakfast, its the most important meal of the day you know', and 'oh dear, you should get more sleep at night, i always try to get up at the same time every day, 8am. Then i got to defend myself, by explaining that i was most likely out of the house at 8am when she got up! (if im at uni, then i meet Cat at Anniesland at 8ish, and i start work on saturdays at 8!). Then it got onto eat 5 pieces of fruit and veg a day, and eating a fish 'because its very good for you, you should try and eat it once a week', and as you all know form 'food glorious food' i can't stand fish, and wont eat it even if it is good for me! and then it got onto the 'why do you want to buy an Ipod, you should be saving all your money to buy a house or a car or something!'
I find in these situations if you nod, smile and agree, then you usually get by without too much fuss! It made me laugh and it does my gran good to 'sort out the world'!

yeah, so most exciting news for me is that i'm probably going to buy myself an Ipod! so if anybody has one, or knows about them, or has some piece of advice about which one to get then your help would be much appreciated! ta chucks!

Ooh, i've finished all my uni work at the moment, 2 exams and 2 assignments done and dusted (until the results come out! :) ). Now im just about to start my forward planning for the lessons im going to teach on placement! I'm going to be doing 8 lessons on listening focussed on Babe (as in the pig!) and 16 lessons on Volcanoes! so by tomorrow night you can ask me anything you want about volcanoes and i should be able to answer it!

Happy 'ditch your New Years resolutions day' by the way! Hope you're managing to keep your resolutions! :D

Verse for the blog:~ "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. " John 14:27 (NIV)


Blogger Alastair said...

Lets start with an obvious comment - why on earth were you up at six in the morning updating your blog? The only time I have seen six in the morning in the past few months was when i hadnt gone to bed by that point.
My gran never seems to talk about those sorts of things with me. Just as well really, cos I would no doubt just get annoyed and want to leave asap.
As for your iPod buying, the Creativ Xen/Zen is as good if not better, plus I think it might well be cheaper than an iPod. Either that or you could buy a car instead, since they obviously cost the same as an mp3 player.
And on your point about teaching, when I was coming down from Glasgow on Sunday night with my teacher friend, she was trying to think of things to teach her class for a topic on Scotland. She had this cool tape about Scottish music that she was going to use, which was......interesting.
Anyway, hope the rest of your exams went well.

2:52 PM

Blogger sillyjigsaw said...

Em i didnt post my blog at 6am! i did it at about 10 past 2 i think!

Hmm, cars don't really cost the same as mp3 players! they don't round my way anyway! lol, plus they cost a lot more to run, than an Ipod. as much as i would like an Ipod, i dont know if i can justify to myself spending £139 (or £179) on something to hold music, when i have a walkman, a cd player and an Mp3 player! Man so many tough choices!

My friend Cat has to teach 'To A Mountain Daisy' by Robert Burns on her placement and famous Scots Alexander Graham Bell, John Logie Baird etc. (Cat's a really bad influence she just phoned and we talked for like 45 mins! and now its 10 past 3, and ive still not done any of my forward plans!

hey Alastair, when are you gonna update your blog?? ;) lol!

3:09 PM

Blogger Alastair said...

i was just thinking that since my last entry was entitled "long time no blog", i may have tried to update it more since then. But I've not, and I am going out in a wee while, so it aint going to happen just now, but I'm sure it will sometime soon.

3:38 PM

Blogger sillyjigsaw said...

Thanks for the advice, but i think ive decided not to buy an Ipod! I'm not really indecisive, lol! Instead im going to buy an A3 laminator, and save the money to go to Romania in September.

7:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, saving is overrated! iPods are also overrated (for what you pay), though I always do enjoy playing around with Gary's iPod if he's got it with him when I see him.

2:41 AM

Blogger sillyjigsaw said...

Yeah, as much as i like Ipods, i dont actually need one, altho looking at the price of some A3 Laminators, i'd be cheaper buying an Ipod!!

11:06 AM


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