This is a little place where I get to share with the world some of the extremeley interesting thoughts in my head! Enjoy!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

The things that make Christmas's memorable!

Many a time a card comes through the door at Christmas and i think to myself, 'that's lovely of them to send us a card, but who on earth are they?!' and then it turns out to be someone that my mum or dad knew at school or from the distant past, who you've never met, or met when you were knee high to a grasshopper and yet they know almost everything about you!

The other good thing is Christmas letters! These come in all shapes and sizes, so far this year we've only had one from 'the dog'. Was reading one today and it was saying how their son (who im thinking is about 15/16) had aquired two guinea pigs ... and his first girlfriend! The poor guy, now everybody and their aunt knows. Hmm, i wonder if thats what my parents do? send out a secret Christmas letter so that all these unknown (to me) people find out whats happening. I may slag off Christmas Letters but i do enjoy reading them and finding out what old friends are up to and seeing the names that have been added (or taken away) from the signings at the bottom of the Christmas Cards.

I shocked my parents tonight by telling them, no asking them, what they would think if i didnt go away with the usual crowd this New Year! They said it was fine, but their faces spoke differently! I'll keep you updated! I'm off to wrap some Christmas Presents before sleeping! :)

Verse for the Blog:~ "They entered the house where the child and his mother, Mary, were, and they fell down before him and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasure chests and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. " Matthew 2:11 (New Living Translation)
Gifts were given on the first Christmas, so remember to give a gift this Christmas! Think of Mary's face having given birth to her son, the Son of God, in a smelly old stable, and then being given these royal gifts! Don't you love the faces of your friends and family as they open a gift and are thankful for it (either that or confused and working out why you gave them it! thats why i always explain the weird gifts that i give!)


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