This is a little place where I get to share with the world some of the extremeley interesting thoughts in my head! Enjoy!

Monday, January 30, 2006

Here it comes... A Beautiful Collision

The name of the Blog is from a David Crowder Band song from their new album called A Collision! Wanna hear a funny story? well read it anyway! on saturday night (actually it was pretty early Sunday morning!) i was giving Alastair, Oonagh and Fiona a lift home, when we got in the car Alastair asked if we could have 'A Collision', i felt it would only be fair to ask the others, so i said to Oonagh and fiona 'would it be ok if we had a collision'. Alastair and i were of course meaning the DCB cd, but i wonder what the others thought! hehehe!

So in this blog, i'm going to have a bit of a moan (am just looking for sympathy, but don't feel you need to give me any! i probably don't deserve it!) but then i'll end on a nice high note!

So my moan is that at the moment I'm working 40+ hours a week as a teacher. I'm in school everyday from about 8:30 until 3:30 and then at least an hours worth of work each night at home. Which is fine, i don't really mind it (even though a lot of it is a waste of time, i have to do it to pass my course!) but on top of my 40+ hours i work part time at Tesco! So i do about 50 hours of work a week!

Away from the moan now, moan ended! Saturday night was a Games night at Katie and Alisons flat (Louise's flat too, but she wasnt there!) so there was about 25 - 30 people there playing some really random games! For example i came second in giant snakes and ladders, my team came first in Cranium, Alastair and I won a game of Monopoly (see Alastairs blog for all the brilliant details of our game! :D ), then i came first or second at a card game called Bum (or bung or something!). There was also other card games, twister, scategories and goodness knows what else! It was a gr8 nite which ended at 3:30am when i think i finally fell asleep.

Tonight was another shift at Tesco, which wasn't too bad, other than two different customers called me 'darling'. grr i'm not their darling, im not anybody's darling! lol! the other thing that scares and annoys me is when customers refer to me by name e.g. 'Thanks Jillian' or 'Do you think you'll still be working here when you're 65 Jillian?' In my opinion the name badge is for the team leaders and managers, so that they can pretend to know exactly who you are by calling you by name, when of course they have absolutely no idea who you are!

And so it is off to bed to watch Babe, I'm doing listening lessons on Babe. I was looking for a picture of the front cover of the video, so typed 'Babe' into a google image search. Very Bad Idea! It doesn't come up with a picture of a cute little sheep dog pig, not that i stayed on the results long enough to find out! now that's a lesson to learn at home and not in a classroom full of kids!!

The service i was at last night was on the Good Samaritan and i shall leave you with a thought that i got from the sermon, for you to think about as well!
We shouldn't ask ourselves 'Who is my neighbour?', but 'who can i be a neighbour to?'


Blogger sillyjigsaw said...

See it's ok if i know the person who calls me darling (i think! lol!) but not a complete stranger! Plus with a Texan accent it would be so much better! One time when i was playing pool one of the guys at the table behind me said 'I almost hit that lass with my queue' refering to me! To me a lass is a young girl, I'm not a lass. You also get called 'Hen' up here every now and then or just plaing 'oi you'!

4:38 PM

Blogger sillyjigsaw said...

Hen and brid are used as slangish terms for girls over here!
guys will talk about their 'burd' and its normally older people who call females hens!

Its quite fun at school, i get lots of different names, Miss Annan, Mrs Annan and Miss Anna are the most common, at the moment!

11:29 PM


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