Time flies when you're having fun!
Well, i've finished 2 weeks of training for Step Out Plus! It's been fun so far, we're working through 'What Every Volunteer Youth Worker Should Know' it looks at all aspects of youth work and youth ministry, including the five principles: Voluntary Participation, Informal Education, Enpowerment, Equality of Opportunity, Incarnation! (Woo, and that was by memory :D) Gary likes to test us just about every day on these and he won't let us each remember one, we have to try and remember them all!
We have also talked about the characteristics of memebers within a group, e.g. dominator, motivator, spectator, actor, gladiator, placator, orator, and terminator! (woo again listing by memory! After talking about the characteristics, we had to chose one and design a potato based on those characteristics! Above is a pic of each of us lying beside our potatoes! (l-r Noel, Me, Gareth, Daniel, Ailie and the potatoes l-r are spectator, actor, gladiator, orator and placator) and the potatoes do not neccessarily reflect the maker of them!
We had our final weekend off before the hard work really begins! i keep forgetting that the summer, children's and youth work, is not going to be easy, but in reality will be a huge challenge which will differ from week to week! but as a song says 'If God is on our side, who can be against us?' (the Bible also says that!:) ) Friday night was spent tidying up the burn beside the BB Hall! Twas a good laugh and we got a whole skip full of rubbish cleared from the burn and the surrounding area! (plus it was burgers or hot dogs all round afterwards, yum!) Saturday was spent watching my mum's Godson Peter (10) playing roller hockey, it was soo much fun, he scored a hatric in a game, including one where he managed to play his stick through the other 'netminder's' legs to push the puck over the line!
On Sunday morning Dad, Dave and Stuart headed off the the Royal Highland Show early, as D and D Clowns were back in action for 2 days only! well they were doing circus skills! Rosie, Mum, Pete, Rebecca and I went to church and then headed to the Highland Show! (oh yeah! i havent been well all weekend, slight fever, blocked sinuses and incredibly sore throat!) mum and i spent our afternoon wandering round the various banks to get our free 'high teas'. The RBS were the best, we got a cup of tea and a yummy scone with jam and cream! We also got freebies from some of the stands, like backed potatoes, crisps/biscuits and all sorts from Lidl. I even got to see my Mum's hidden strength!
Anyways, I'm off to Carronvale today for some residential training with the C of S summer mission team called Impact! IM still in my pjs, so should probably go and get ready!
For more details of Step Out Plus and what i'm actually doing for the summer check out the busy website!
"As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man. " Proverbs 27:19 "Remember the Lord in all that you do and He will give you success!" Proverbs 3:6